Thursday, July 5, 2007

Response on Jefferson

In “The Declaration of Independence,” Thomas Jefferson talks about the rights written in The Declaration of Independence. He then goes on explaining about the rights that individuals have according to The Declaration of Independence. Furthermore, he goes on explaining how our system of government can be closely related to a monarchy. Jefferson also talks about how although The Declaration of Independence is supposed to promote Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, our government fails to do so. He questions whether we actually live in a society where unalienable rights actually exist. Jefferson also talks about how he thinks that America is a country that is supposedly “free”, however, our system of government isn’t how it seems to be. Although America seems to be this great country, it really isn’t as great and prosperous and it’s portrayed.
I came to find this article extremely boring. I did not like it at all. I don’t like to read about politics. It just doesn’t strike me. In fact, I don’t understand a bit about politics, which is probably why I didn’t find this article interesting. In addition, I had trouble comprehending the sentences. I guess it was because the article was written a long time ago. I always seem to have trouble reading dated writings. Therefore, I’m worried that my summary isn’t accurate to what the article was actually about. However, I do agree with Jefferson, our system of government is false advertising. It is portrayed to be free, but when you really think about it, we aren’t as free and we think.

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