Sunday, June 24, 2007

Response Paper on Machiavelli

In “The Circle of Governments,” Niccolò Machiavelli talks about the government in Rome. Machiavelli explains how the government has changed over time. Machiavelli also talks about how the ruler wasn’t elected, they were chosen by heredity. He further explains how this caused the government to become a tyranny. The government in Rome transformed from an aristocratic government to an oligarchic tyranny. Machiavelli then goes onto explaining how the government turned into an anarchy. The whole point of the article was for Machiavelli to explain how the government was a big circle. Once the government changed, it always went back to what it originally was and so on. It was a never ending cycle.
After reading this article, I found it to be extremely boring. In fact, I’m surprised I was able to understand what the article was about. Politics is not the kind of subject I enjoy reading about. Actually, I would have to say I despise reading about politics because it’s so confusing. I can never understand what each government is or how it works, and the way Machiavelli put it just confused me even more. I’m also worried that the summary I wrote about this article is incorrect because I wasn’t able to get a clear picture of what Machiavelli was writing about.

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